Pet Sitter Rates

How Much Should I Charge For Pet Sitting?

Average pet sitting rates per hour:

  • Between $15 - $20 per hour depending on your city/state.

Pet Sitter Rates Calculator


Pet Sitter Rates Calculator Overnight

Pet Sitting Services Overnight Stay 2024: $45 to $75

The overall rates for pet sitting services may vary depending on the specific needs and circumstances. Here is a breakdown of the general pricing:

  • 30-Minute Visit: $18
  • Daily Rate: $20 to $30
  • Overnight Stay: $45 to $75
  • Weekly Rate: $250 to $375

These rates are influenced by several factors, including the type of services requested, whether 24-hour pet care is required, assistance on holidays, and the number of additional pets the client has.

How Much Do Pet Sitters Charge Per Hour?

Some pet sitters charge $15-20 per hour.


Dog sitting rate calculator

How Much Do Dog Pet Sitters Cost Per Day?

  • Dog Pet sitting services often range from $20 to $30 per day. However, it's important to note that prices can vary based on factors such as your location, the type of pet you have, and the specific services you require.

  • These variables contribute to the overall variability in pet sitting costs, making it essential to consider your individual circumstances when determining the final pricing for the services you need.


Cat Pet Sitter Rates

Cat Sitter Rates Calculator

Basic Cat Sitting Visit:

  • Feeding, water, and litter box maintenance (30 minutes) = $18

Number of Cats:

  • Base rate for one cat: $18
  • Additional fee for each extra cat: +$5 per cat

Cat Pet Sitter Overnight Stays (Optional):

  • Base rate for overnight stay: $40-70